Tired of hanging your clothes on a clothesline?
Done with schlepping bags full of wet clothes down to the laundromat?
It’s time to get your dryer repaired! Call Napoleon Appliances.
We’re open 7 days a week. We’ll get your dryer fixed.
Always call us before replacing your dryer. Repairing your existing appliances can save you a lot of money, and prolong the life of your dryer by years. Save time and money – get your dryer repaired by Napoleon! We offer dryer repair in Ottawa and the surrounding area.
Common dryer issues | Dryer Repair Tips For You
Let’s start with some DIY troubleshooting. A circuit breaker may have switched off – dryers need two circuit breakers, one to turn the drum, and the other for heat. You may have too much lint in the lint trap, or the dryer vent may be clogged with lint. Your dryer might be in eco/cool mode.
Check all of the above. If these aren’t the issues, it’s almost certainly a faulty component: the heating element, thermal fuse, thermostat, or timer motor may all be defective. You may also have more complicated electrical problems. Call Napoleon Appliances – our expert technicians will find and fix the problem.
Try unplugging your dryer and plugging it back in. Check the circuit breaker. Make sure you don’t overload your dryer – if the door won’t close, the door switch can’t be flipped, and the dryer won’t turn on.
If those suggestions don’t improve things, it could be one of many faulty components. The start switch could be faulty, the timer could be broken, the thermal fuse could be blown, the drive belt could be too worn – the list goes on and on. Give us a call. We’ll find the problem and get it fixed.
There are a few reasons your dryer could be vibrating. It might be overloaded with clothes. It may also be on an uneven surface, which you can fix with wood shims if your dryer doesn’t have levelling feet.
We can help with levelling your dryer if it has levelling feet. As well, we can repair the many other issues that can cause excessive vibration. Worn rollers? Congested blower wheels? Frayed drive belt? Foreign objects caught in the machinery? A quick call to Napoleon Appliances will fix any and all of these causes of excess vibration.
The first thing to check is your dryer vent – if it’s clogged with lint, the heat from the dryer has nowhere to escape to. You can get your dryer vent cleaned professionally, or do it yourself.
If cleaning the vent doesn’t cool things off, give us a call. Your heating element may be warped, or your thermostat may be malfunctioning. We can fix both of these problems – our technicians have the parts needed for all major brands (and a few minor brands, too!).
Check out what we have to say about vibrating dryers above if vibrations are your concern – the suggestions there apply to all kinds of noises. And if it’s metallic clanging – well, you’ve probably got coins flying around in the dryer!
When troubleshooting doesn’t fix the problem, call Napoleon Appliances. There’s no end to the list of internal component faults that can cause strange noises – we’ll investigate the sounds, diagnose the problem, and fix or replace the faulty parts.
Check that your dryer is plugged in, and that both breakers are on. If that doesn’t do it, give us a call. You could have a broken drive belt, worn drums rollers, glides, bearings, or even worn roller axles. We can fix all of those problems for you.
Try the tips we talked about in the “Dryer won’t heat up” section. You might also have your dryer set to Timed Dry – use Auto Dry instead. You could also be overloading the dryer – if you’re struggling to fit more clothes in there, you’re overloaded.
If following the above tips doesn’t do the trick, call Napoleon. We’ll find the source of the problem and get it fixed – we have the parts and expertise you need.
Popular dryer brands
We repair all the major makes and models of dryers. We repair obscure dryer brands, too! Take a look at the list of popular brands we can repair below. Don’t see your dryer listed? Call us. We can probably help.
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Why choose Napoleon Appliances?
Our company has served Ottawa and the surrounding area for over 20 years.
Our experienced technicians are happy to serve you. Take a look at some of the reasons to choose us:
Napoleon Appliances Ottawa, dedicated to providing honest appliance repair services. We take pride in offering our customers transparent & fair assessments for all their major home appliances which include refrigerators, washers & dryers, stoves, ovens and dishwashers. With us, you can rest assured that you will always be provided with cost effective solutions that best suit your needs. Our mission is to provide our customers with the professional advise they need, to help them make the best choice when it comes time to decide whether to fix an appliance or replace it with a new one.
A team of highly qualified technicians came together to establish a name synonymous with INTEGRITY. Appliance repair is our passion, and our vision is to convey we’re worthy to be in your home.
Napoleon Appliances will never make repairs using old, outdated parts. Our team will only purchase materials of the highest quality, so we can maintain the integrity of your appliance.
Honest pricing is our priority. With us, you never have to worry about hidden fees or other built-in costs. You’ll always know how much to expect for labour, even before the job is complete.